Ayurvedic Shirodhara

Ayurvedic Shirodhara

The most divine of ancient Ayurvedic rituals, Shirodhara calms the mind and awakens the body’s intuitive knowledge

The most divine of ancient Ayurvedic rituals, Shirodhara calms the mind and awakens the body’s intuitive knowledge

It is profoundly relaxing and nourishing while improving mental clarity and comprehension. A continuous flow of warm, herbal oil is poured in a slow, steady stream onto the forehead awakening the third eye and crown chakras. Vata Dosha* is balanced. Shirodhara works on the cerebral system thereby relaxing the nervous system while balancing Praan Vaayu (life force energy) around the head. The entire face is rejuvenated as worry lines are softened. Shirodhara can reduce and relieve migraine headaches, wash away negative emotions and thought patterns, anxiety, restlessness, irritability and nervousness.

Time slows as your soul and scalp are nourished

Be prepared to lie on your back and position your head beneath an oil ‘fountain’ which is a slow-flowing spout. You will be shrouded in warm towels as a mild massage begins, slowly replaced by the gentle flow of warm oil. You may gradually drift off into a deep sleep only to awaken as though you have rested an entire night. The benefits of Shirodhara are enhanced with immediate following of traditional massage.